Soft and Gentle Landscapes in Watercolour

As a child I loved the mystery of a wood and to me it was an absolute delight to come upon a stream or river at the edge or within that wood. I was sometimes lost in the world of fairies, elves and goblins. I think these childhood imaginations are what drives an artist's creativity. These paintings are where my mind likes to drift last thing at night to clam everything down and to drift as though slowly moving along a stream in a magical woodland setting. Watercolour is the best medium to use for these dreamlike landscape paintings. Today I have posted a few of them as open editions on my website. These are are available to purchase as giclee canvases.

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Clearing your mind.

Do you sometimes crave the simpler things in life?We humans are a blend of mixed emotions and tastes. Although my work often reflects a bright, colourful exterior, I have a side that strives for a softer and more gentle expression in my work. Sometimes my painting will reflect my love of nature and simplicity. I love the early mornings in Summer when dawn filters through the curtains and gently wakes you to another long day of sunlight and warmth. It does me good to get up before I have time to think about yesterday's events and stroll around our nearby lake. It's glorious at any time of day but particularly when I am surrounded by the early morning sights and sounds. It clears my head and prepares me for the day ahead.  

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What Sparks My Creativity

This scene was captured during a holiday in Padstow, Cornwall a few years ago. It was a summer holiday hence the vivid blues contrasting with the white sun-brushed over the harbour buildings and boats nestling by the wall.My long life has certainly enabled me to grasp an insight into what has been at play when the desire to put brush to canvas overwhelms me. It is certainly more prevalent when I interact in certain activities. This can involve placing myself in a new setting or environment where my observation skills are more active.  I have learned to take snaps and jot them down in either a notebook or on my iPhone which has triggered my curiosity. Emotion also figures in my work, meaning I strive to have something joyful or playful to engage me during the day. I find that both reflection and meditation enable me to see my past in different ways. I also enjoy writing poetry and the approach is much the same for me. 

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Uniting the new, the not so new and the old

The year 2018 saw the celebrations of the First World War centenary. At the time I was arranging a project with the newly established Dedham Arts Society to show a selection of paintings by the artists in a suitable venue. This was to be my contribution which I only recently completed due to an illness that caused me to halt my leadership of the Society and look to my health. Today I am fully recovered and this painting is a combined celebration of that recovery. It also depicts how I love to select a wide remit of subjects for my paintings, which crosses time, cultures, and geographical boundaries. An affinity or emotional attachment to the subject remains constant throughout my work. Without it, my creativity would not have a spark to ignite its development.  My love for the subject material I have produced so far is hopefully evident in the freshness I like to bring to my work. I am still on a joyful artistic journey and am always out and about, looking for fresh material to spark my imagination. 

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About AngellaArt

I am an optimist. I create art that reflects my joy at being in this beautiful world. I create art that makes me feel happy and enhances my clients' living and office spaces.

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